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Independent Asian Credit Research

> Customized Asian High Yield Research

> Debt Token Research

> ESG Bond Research

> Credit Risk Assessment

Hong Kong <>Bangkok <> Singapore <> Melbourne <> New York 
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Our Mission

Bondcritic was established in 2009 to be an independent voice that helps investors assess and understand opportunities in Asian distressed, high-yield, and non-rated bonds. Our mission is to discover deep value in bonds with a bottom-up approach, together with the help of our proprietary ESG (Environment, Social Development, and Governance) model. 

Our single-name credit research, ESG research, and frontier market research represent the best of our global team members’ skills and experience, comprising credit and equity research.  Bondcritic is free from conflicts, and our primary objective is to be an extension of our clients’ research teams.


​​​​Our public research periodicals include:                     
  • Asian Credit Monitor and Asian Dollar Bond Monitor: Asian bond strategy​ and commentaries and Industry outlook
  • Asian Frontier Monitor: Pre-IPO research on Asian frontier markets such as Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Mongolia, and Vietnam.
  • Asian ESG Monitor: Environmental, Social development, and Governance research
  • Credit initiation report: An in-depth research on a bond issuer which Bondcritic analyzes for the first time
  • Credit flash: A flash note on individual bonds and/or current credit news
  • Forensic accounting due diligence
  • Corporate Governance Assessment
  • ESG Research
Customized and proprietary research
Consulting services
  • Credit risk assessment as a third party opinion to regulators and accounting firms
  • Asian credit portfolio construction and monitoring/reviews
  • Private debt and alternative financing solution consultation

What we do

Our team

Our analysts are experienced market practitioners and research professionals in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, and Melbourne. 

  • 25+ years of credit research/credit rating experience (ING, Standard Chartered, Societe Generale, Dagong credit rating, AIG)


  • Various industry and geographical expertise and extensive client, regulator, and investment bank network/Regular speakers in fixed income conferences and HKUST


  • MSc (Global Finance), New York University (USA) and HKUST (Hong Kong)| MBA (Finance), University of Kentucky (USA)|  Fintech certificate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

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Warut Promboon

Hong Kong / Bangkok

  • 18+ years of commodity credit research  (JP Morgan, Cargill, Bright Oil, Peabody Coaltrade, and Ocean Intelligence), business development (Nuevue Singapore),  and credit risk (H&C S Holdings and Fist Gulf Bank)

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  • Master of Commerce (Economics), University of New South Wales (Australia)

Alan Chong


  • •19+ years of experience in economics research (Bank of China, KPMG, and Haymarket) and ESG investments (Sustainable Investment Research Institute)

  • •Phd. (Finance), University of Melbourne (Australia)

Kerry Liu


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Request a subscription

Our corporate address:

70 Queen's Road Central

Crawford House #1104

Central , Hong Kong 

Contact email:


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